Summarize notes on Timeline with GenAI Highlights in Power Apps

Suddenly it was there Timeline Highlights in Power Apps, I was quietly testing an app, arrived at the Notes on Timelines, created text and took some pictures and, yes, something new popped up. COOL!

But what was it?

Where did it come from?

And how does it work?

By default on

I like that, on by default, no hassle to search for it and no discussion who is able to use it or not.

Just on for everybody. Use the power of new technology.

What is it?

A generative AI tool that writes a summary of all your notes.

Is it that simple, for me YES, for a user YES.

It gives a wow factor to your app, without doing anything as an App Maker.

How to work with it

Well, it just pops-up when you are working on your Timeline, creating notes and making pictures.

The icon pops-up and just hit it!

It will tell you if it has enough data to write a summary.

You can copy and paste this into your Notes and copy or paste it into an e-mail, for example.

My opinion

I always say “Keep it simple, make it special”.

To be honest, this looks simple for a user, works simple and looks great

Interesting links

Introducing timeline highlights powered by generative AI

Timeline highlights help users quickly access actionable record updates

Set up the timeline control

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